On the Record (Bahamas)

On The Record with Jerome Sawyer is a debate style television talk show where Bahamians can find the balanced and open debate the nation is asking for.

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Thursday May 30, 2024

In this episode of "On the Record," hosted by Jerome Sawyer, Michael Pintard, leader of the Free National Movement (FNM) in the Bahamas, discusses the political landscape, the party's vision for the future, and strategies for addressing current challenges. Pintard emphasizes the importance of leadership, unity, and innovative policies to foster national progress. The conversation also touches on the FNM's plans for economic development and social reform, aiming to build a more resilient and prosperous Bahamas.

Thursday May 09, 2024

In this week's episode of "On the Record" hosted by Jerome Sawyer, the show features a candid conversation with Dr. Hubert Minnis, former Prime Minister and former leader of the Free National Movement. As the FNM's June 1st convention approaches, Dr. Minnis discusses his decision to re-enter the political arena, aiming to reclaim leadership of the party. He addresses the criticisms and political tensions that have resurfaced amid his announcement, sharing his motivations for leadership and his vision for the party's future.
Dr. Minnis elaborates on his previous tenure as Prime Minister, focusing on key decisions made during significant crises such as Hurricane Dorian and the global COVID-19 pandemic. The discussion explores the strategies implemented during these challenging times and reflects on the current administration's performance. This episode provides unfiltered insights into the complexities of leadership during crisis and Dr. Minnis's perspective on national governance and political accountability.

Thursday Apr 25, 2024

In this episode of "On the Record," hosted by Jerome Sawyer, the focus is on The Bahamas Agricultural and Industrial Corporation (BAIC) during its third annual Taste and Tell event. This event not only showcases local culinary talents and products from the Family Islands but also serves as a critical platform for promoting small business growth and sustainability. The episode delves into BAIC's initiatives to support local entrepreneurs in agriculture and industry, highlighting its collaboration with the Small Business Development Center. It also addresses BAIC's broader mission to empower local entrepreneurs and diversify The Bahamas' economy, which is pivotal for the sustainable development of the nation.
Throughout the episode, viewers gain insights into BAIC's strategies, which are geared towards transforming small-scale operations into thriving businesses and enhancing the agricultural sector with a focus on sustainability and self-sufficiency. The program emphasizes the need for public awareness of the resources available to entrepreneurs, which is essential for maximizing their impact. It also explores the integration of Bahamian products into the tourism sector, showing how this not only benefits the economy but also enriches the cultural exposure of tourists. Overall, the episode paints a picture of BAIC as a cornerstone in fostering economic growth and innovation in The Bahamas.

Thursday Apr 18, 2024

In the latest episode of "On the Record," hosted by Jerome Sawyer, the focus is on the culmination of a series exploring crime in the country. The episode provides a detailed look at an intelligence-led police operation, highlighting the concerted efforts of various units including SWAT and K9 teams. The program starts with a historical overview of crime-related discussions over the season, featuring insights from community leaders, charity organizations, and law enforcement. The narrative then shifts to a live operation, where the crew accompanies police during a night of raids targeting drug-related crime. This vivid portrayal emphasizes the daily challenges faced by law enforcement and the complexity of combating crime, spotlighting the strategic and hazardous nature of police work.
The operation, dubbed "Operation Eagle Claw," is showcased as a proactive and intelligence-led approach to curb crime. Viewers are taken through the process from the initial briefing to the execution of raids in high-risk areas. The episode effectively captures the tense and precarious environments officers navigate, from entering properties with drawn weapons to managing interactions with suspects and the community. Throughout the night, the police target several locations known for drug trafficking, resulting in multiple arrests and seizures of illegal substances. The episode serves not only as a dramatic recount of police operations but also as a reflective piece on the broader implications of crime in the community, the role of technological advancements in law enforcement, and the ongoing battle against criminal activities.

Thursday Apr 11, 2024

In this episode of "On the Record" hosted by Jerome Sawyer, the discussion pivots to the realm of responsible governance in a context where trust and accountability are hard to come by. The episode emphasizes the importance of democracy and the intertwined relationship between the governed and the governing, spotlighting the organization for Responsible Governance (ORG), a nonpartisan nonprofit committed to advancing the principles of good governance. The organization actively engages with government entities, citizens, the private sector, and civil society to foster a more inclusive and engaged future, aiming to uplift the community's voice, often overshadowed by partisan politics.
ORG's efforts in promoting transparency, accountability, and participatory governance are highlighted, showing how these efforts aim to bridge the gap between citizens and government through various initiatives. The organization works on policy initiatives, citizen engagement, fostering communication bridges, and enhancing civil society's capacity, striving for a more accountable and transparent governance structure. The episode serves as a call to action for citizens to get informed and involved, emphasizing the crucial role of collective effort in achieving tangible governance improvements.

Thursday Apr 04, 2024

In this episode of "On the Record" hosted by Jerome Sawyer, the show pauses its usual discussions to honor and remember Donald Saunders, a key political figure in the Bahamas who has tragically passed away. Saunders, a titan in both the political arena and community service, leaves a profound legacy through his dedication, compassion, and commitment to his country and its people. The episode features heartfelt tributes and insights from those who knew him well, including his brothers and close associates, shedding light on his multifaceted contributions beyond politics. They speak about his unwavering loyalty, service to the community, and the significant impact of his work on youth and national development. The episode not only celebrates Saunders's life but also highlights the collective responsibility in addressing systemic issues contributing to violence and crime in society, underscoring the importance of unity and action beyond political affiliations.

Thursday Mar 28, 2024

In this episode of "On the Record," hosted by Jerome Sawyer, viewers are taken on an enlightening and deeply personal journey with the host. Recognizing Colon Cancer Awareness Month, Sawyer courageously undergoes a live colonoscopy, aiming to demystify the procedure and stress the importance of early detection in preventing one of the most common yet preventable forms of cancer. Throughout the episode, viewers gain insight into the preparation, process, and post-procedure aspects of a colonoscopy, alongside professional commentary that educates on the significance of regular screenings, especially for those with a family history of colon cancer. The episode is a mix of personal storytelling, medical expertise, and a call to action, emphasizing the potential life-saving impact of staying informed and proactive about one's health.

Thursday Mar 21, 2024

This episode of "On the Record" with Jerome Sawyer addresses the dire situation in Haiti, focusing on the escalating gang violence and the lack of security that pervades the nation. The episode includes interviews with key figures who provide insights into the challenges Haiti faces, such as inadequate police resources and the need for international intervention to stabilize the country. The discussions emphasize the critical need for a combined approach that includes enhancing security, political consensus towards governance, and international support to address both the immediate crises and underlying issues contributing to Haiti's turmoil.
Experts in the episode argue that Haiti's survival hinges on international cooperation, alongside Haiti's own efforts to find solutions. The emphasis is on creating a secure environment, facilitating political stability through a transitional government, and providing essential services to the Haitian populace. The episode reflects a deep concern for Haiti's future and highlights the importance of a concerted effort to help the nation navigate its way out of the current crisis, stressing the importance of understanding and addressing the human impact behind the headlines.

Thursday Mar 14, 2024

This episode of "On the Record" with Jerome Sawyer explores the Nassau Paradise Island Wine & Food Festival. The festival is described as a vibrant celebration of culinary excellence, taking place at the renowned Atlantis Resort. It features an array of events, where attendees can interact with masterminds behind the festival, from planning stages to the selection of chefs and winemakers. The show highlights the meticulous organization required to host such a festival, emphasizing the diverse culinary experiences and the involvement of world-class chefs and winemakers.
In addition to showcasing the festival, the episode includes interviews with key figures like Jason Spencer, Vice President of Marketing and Events at Atlantis, who discusses the festival's origins and its aim to establish the Bahamas as a culinary capital. The segment also features insights from Lee Schrager, who played a pivotal role in the festival's development, sharing his vision for its future and its contribution to the local culinary scene.

Thursday Mar 07, 2024

In this episode of On the Record with Jerome Sawyer, viewers are taken on an inspirational journey with Chief Wayne Jones, the first black police chief in Miami Beach, Florida. A native Bahamian, Chief Jones's ascension to this prestigious role is not just a personal achievement but a beacon of hope and resilience, symbolizing the breaking of racial and cultural barriers in law enforcement. His story is a testament to the power of education, perseverance, and unwavering dedication to public service, which have all been instrumental in his rise to this pivotal position in Miami Beach's law enforcement.
The discussion delves into Chief Jones's Bahamian roots, his educational journey, and his unexpected foray into police work, which has been marked by significant contributions such as establishing a human trafficking unit and a homeless resource program. These initiatives reflect his commitment to addressing complex social issues with empathy, innovation, and a deep sense of community responsibility. As Chief Jones articulates his vision for the Miami Beach Police Department and reflects on his cultural heritage, his narrative resonates with a broader theme of diversity and inclusion, illustrating how his Bahamian background harmonizes with his leadership role in the vibrant city of Miami Beach.
For more On the Record, visit: https://ournews.bs/on-the-record


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